is Philips' new website for their Bodygroom line of razors. Why am I writing about a website for a razor? Well, this isn't a regular razor, it's one you can use to shave anywhere. Instead of beating around the bush* , Philips has decided to embrace what people are going to really use the product for.
You should really just see the website. I highly recommend the testimonials.
*pun alert
How can you make a kaleidoscope yourself ? Make Your Own Kaleidoscope. Do you understand portuguese?
See you later
Marco Aurélio
I probably could make my own Kaleidoscope, but why would I?
I noticed that your blog is all about kaleidoscopes right now. Is this some sort of advertising campaign?
I sure don't understand Portguese, but I do like Christiano Ronaldo's hair. So surely we have something in common!
See YOU later!
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