08 July 2007

Dear mysterious stranger,

Alright Mr. Spitz, I may be on to you.

I must admit I still haven't listened to Alice Cooper's radio show.


Anonymous said...

aww geeez. why must everyone continue to rub my failed dreams into my face. I hate the permanence of the internet.

funny thing, i was JUST contacted by the zine Urban Velo to write a piece for them about the lessons learned regarding my failed bike shop endeavor. yea, THAT's what i was hoping to get out of years of effort and stress...an article about failure. anyways, i'll let you know when it's going to be out.


Mike said...

Looking forward to reading that. Sorry to bring up the bad memories.

Anonymous said...

No, it's cool. It's just one of those things that people associate with me the most because I put myself out there big time with this one. I STILL run into people that are like, "how's the bike shop going?" or some variation thereof. And I just have to hang my head in shame.

Still trying to work a constructive and somewhat positive slant on my article.
