11 June 2007

And there he died

This summer has been particularly hectic due to events beyond my control: Well, they're completely controllable, I suppose, but now it's too late. Last year I was waist deep in bike mileage at this time, and well prepared for the Ride Across Indiana. This year... well, not so much.

Ramping up for the ride is what guarantees that it'll go well. Last year I worked off a schedule that ramped up the weekend mileage gradually, and in the two weeks previous to the ride I put 90 mile rides on both weekends. This year I've attempted to ramp up to those 90 mile rides, but somehow I keep finding myself quitting at mile 50 or so. Well, I guess I did 70 last weekend... but in any case, I'm not really feeling it this year.

That would be fine except I've booked up my next three weekends. This coming weekend I'll be in Cincinnati for a National concert/Red game. The following weekend I'll be at a brewfest in Indianapolis (which is sure to put me out of commission for both Saturday and Sunday), and the week following I'll be back in St. Louis for the wedding to end all weddings.

That leaves the week before RAIN to get where I need to be. Or I can put in a ton of miles after work... which is what I'll end up doing. It just sorta sucks because I end up spending the hours of 6-9 on a bike. And wait, I'm supposed to enjoy this.

And I do, but not as much this year.

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