28 February 2007

we all suck

I've noticed a decline in the number of posts and comments at many of the blogs I read on a regular basis, especially those that are Indianapolis based. While this does make it a little harder to find ways to waste away the day, it also brings a warm feeling to my heart. Because I know what it is to have nothing to write about. And I'm no stranger to a lack of comments. And I've been running with it for quite a while now.

I wouldn't call this lack of material writer's block, because it's not like I'm having trouble with the writing. I think a better term might be material block. The strength of a good blog is focus, but moreso an unending sort of attention to your focus. Du Nord's focus is on soccer in all shapes and sizes, and the material never runs out. He does a fantastic job in covering pretty much everything soccer related, and he once called me an idiot in an email.

I'm still reading his blog.

Circle and Squares is going to work because of its focus on architecture (as long as the material doesn't run out). Inhabit works because of a focus on design.

Dooce works because everyone loves attractive yet attainable looking housewives. Ok, I really have no idea why Dooce works, but I think it's probably got something to do with the cussing. Shit cock motherfucker.

Anyway.. My point. I don't have one. (I'm trying out using bold today, feel free to comment. Except you, Dave.)

When asked to describe ridehorsey for the Indianapolis Bloggers page, I said it was about "normal 30-something white guy nostalgia". Seriously? How horrible does that sound? I should have said it was about horsefucking.

1 comment:

torporindy said...

Yeah, I've been a lazy blogger lately. I don't know what the problem is.