03 February 2006

i'm going seahawks

mf doom - tick, tick....

You have no idea how exciting reprinting invoices can be. Really. It's a rollercoaster of emotion at my desk today.

There's plenty to do in Indy this weekend, and thanks to Jim over at 11am Air Raid, I actually know about it for once. Not that I really go out of my way to pay attention. Gina and I are going to check out the IDADA thing tonight. Maybe.

Tomorrow is the annual Souper Bowl Saturday at the City Market, and despite not seeing an entry from Binkley's, who impressed us with their cumin carrot soup last time we attended, we'll make the trip up from the south side (REPREZENT!) Saturday. Five bucks gets you five samples of soup, or maybe 4, depending on how wonderful the restaurant really thinks their soup is (they may charge $2 for a sample).

On an entirely different sampling note, I've posted MF Doom's Tick, Tick... today, because it came up in my playlist last night and I'm still wondering how he got away with that Beatles sample... unless the Beatles sampled it first.

Give it a sample.

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